Oak Grove UMC Christian School

Oak Grove UMC Christian School

Our Ratios

ClassApproximate Age in August**Teacher-Child Ratio

Infant 16 weeks - 5 months1:3

Infant 26 months - 11 months1:3

Toddler 112 months - 18 months1:4

Toddler 219 months - 23 months1:5

Toddler 3
24 months - 28 months

Preschool 129  months - 35 months1:5

Preschool 2*36 months - 41 months1:6

Preschool 342 months - 47 months1:7

Pre-k**48 months - 59 months1:11
*must be 3 by Sept 1
**must be 4 by Sept 1

During the main part of the day, we maintain the ratios listed here.  There are times in the early morning and late afternoon that we may have different ratios.

After School

Lottery Pre-K**48 months -59 months1:9

Kindergarten5 years - 6 years1:15

Summer Camp5 years - 6 years1:15