Oak Grove UMC Christian School

Oak Grove UMC Christian School

Enrollment & Tuition


Each April the enrollment list is made for that August’s classes. Currently-enrolled children are “moved” (on paper) to the next appropriate class for their age and development. After this process is completed, the open spaces in each classroom are revealed. The children on the waiting list are the first to be entered into empty spots. The highest level of priority on our waiting list is for siblings of our currently enrolled children. The second level of priority is given to members of Oak Grove United Methodist Church. After that, spaces are filled according to various factors such as child gender, age, and order of when the person was placed on the waiting list. *If you are offered a spot and choose not to take it, we will go to the next person on the waiting list. It might be the next August or later before your child is able to get a spot again.*

Infant Enrollment

The infant room, like all of our classrooms, enrolls once a year in August.  The highest level of priority on the waiting list goes to siblings of currently-enrolled children and the second level of priority goes to OGUMC members. All infants born after August will have to wait until the next year to get a spot, even siblings and church members. Infants born during the summer will have to pay for the infant spot each month starting in August, regardless of when the baby starts attending. Any spots that are vacated during the school year will be filled by children on the waiting list first. If no one is waiting, we will advertise the open spot. *If you are offered a spot and choose not to take it, we will go to the next person on the waiting list. It might be the next August or later before your child is able to get a spot again.*

PreK Enrollment for 2025-2026
Registration for our Full-Day PreK Class will take place in March about a week after the DeKalb Co. School District Lottery drawing takes place

*** The Infant/Toddler Waiting List has been closed due to the number of children waiting who will not get in for this year's classes. ***
The waitlist will reopen in January 2026. 

The Waiting List
To get on the Infant - PreK waiting list, please email Nancy Brooks and give the following information: Child's Name and Birthdate, Parent names, address, phone numbers, and emails. Please email Nancy Brooks every 2-3 months to let her know you are still interested in enrollment. 
There is no fee to get on the waiting list 
at this time. Nancy's email: nbrooks@ogumc.org. 
*If you do not stay in touch within 4 months, your form will be removed.*

No tours are being given in person unless you have been offered an enrollment spot. 

2024-2025 Monthly Tuition Rates Effective 8/1/24 (Did not increase from last year)
Infant 1 & Infant 2                 $1,530
Toddler 1 & Toddler 2           $1,455
Toddler 3 & Preschool 1       $1,355
Preschool 2 & Preschool 3   $1,190
PreK                                     $1,090
AS                                        $  555 
SC                                        $ 275/week


Each new student will owe a registration fee of $100 upon enrollment. This applies to Infants- PreK, and After School students. 

Each current student will owe a yearly enrollment fee of $100, usually due in Feb, to stay on the enrollment list for the Fall. 
(Students who do not pay the yearly enrollment fee in the spring are considered not returning for the Fall, and will not be included in Fall Classes. They will have to join the waitlist, secure a spot, enroll as a new student, pay a registration fee of $100, and pay August tuition in advance if they want to return for Fall classes.)
Students who withdraw at any time during the year will have to join the waitlist, secure a spot, enroll as a new student, pay a registration fee of $100, and pay their first month's tuition in advance if they wish to re-enroll.

Each new Full-day student (Infant - Preschool 3) owes the first month’s tuition (usually August) in advance as a *deposit, plus the registration fee.
Each new PreK student will owe 2 months' tuition (usually Sept and July) in advance as a *deposit, plus the registration fee. 
Each new After School student (Lottery Pre-K & Kindergarten) owes the first month's tuition in advance as a *deposit, plus the registration fee.

* Deposit amounts are subject to change if tuition rates are increased for the new school year. 
**Fees and Deposits are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

Full Tuition is always due. There are no reductions in tuition for vacations; absences due to illness; holidays; if the school must close due to severe weather, loss of power/water; or any other reason. This includes if the school closes due to a pandemic.